A place to waste some time

Category: Pop’s Book

Biak and Beyond

The morning of May 27, 1944, the convoy reached the island of Biak, a Japanese fortress that blocked the way for any force planning to go to the Philippines.  Biak was needed for its harbor facilities and its airfields.

August 10, 1943 – Charlie Hill

They lived in squalid shelters along a trail that led from the sea, beyond the palm trees, through the regimental headquarters area and on toward towering mountains.  There was a swamp nearby and it sent forth a briny stink.  The shelters weren’t substantial enough to be called huts.  They were, at best, crude shebangs made of ponchos and stripes of canvas laced to flimsy warped frames fashioned from tree branches lashed together with vines or scraps of tent ropes.  There was enough shelter to fend off some small part of the daily rains.

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